Becoming part of the National Graveyard

The National Memorial and Reverence Committee sent a letter to the major of Farmos (see below) and informed him about their decision No.54/2009, passed on their meting 2nd of December, 2009, in which the Committee declared that the tomb of Matolcsy Miklós – who was an illustrious Hungarian – belongs to National Graveyard. The National Graveyard is a special institution on the level of the national traditions, a special theoretical cemetery, in which all the famous Hungarians are collected into the memory of the nation, who did considerable actions physical, spiritual or cultural continuance of the country and of the nation.

This decision of the Committee will be published in the journal Official Bulletin, and the owner of the cemetery (where the tomb is located) is obliged to protect the tomb.

FCC Meeting 2009

The Family Cemetery Community (FCC) was invited again by dr. Büky Béláné Kádár Sárika to hold its annual meeting on 28th of May, 2009. (16 participants). The bailiff (Matolcsy Miklós) informed the FCC about the last year events concerning the cemetery. Three old, died acacia trees had to be chopped down to avoid the damage of the tombs in case of a strong wind. More old acacia trees are close to drying out, in the close future they also must be chopped down and replaced by new, young trees.

The bailiff showed the first version of the website of the cemetery, the family members welcomed it and gave further ideas how to improve it. The FCC members are kindly requested to send data, information to the bailiff to this work.

FCC Meeting 2008

On 7th of May, 2008 the Family Cemetery Community (FCC) held its annual meeting, hosted by dr. Büky Béláné Kádár Sárika. 18 family members were participating. The bailiff (Matolcsy Miklós) gave a brief information about the matters of the cemetery: fencing in the new part of the cemetery, removal of the rubbish.

FCC accepted and supported the proposal of the bailiff to develop a website for the cemetery (in Hungarian and English) to inform the family members whether they are living in Hungary or any other parts of the world.