People's Court Case of Matyas Matolcsy
(Matolcsy Mátyás népbírósági pere)
Compiled by: Dr. Matolcsy Mátyás (November 2013)
Download only available in Hungarian:
mmnepbirosagiper.pdf (114 pages)
Interesting stories, history of the cemetery, articles about our ancestors
- People's Court Case of Matyas Matolcsy (in Hungarian)
- Roots of the Matolcsy Family (in Hungarian)
- The tomb of Clemens August Kaas in Bückeburg
- Ivánka family in the Hungarian history
- Kaas ancestors, ascending line in the Kaas family
- Ivánka ancestors, ascending line in the Ivánka family
Dear Family members!
Please, send any interesting stories, articles regarding our cemetery or ancestors to the following email address: